Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

By completing an order, signing a contract, subscribing to business messages, sending an inquiry through our website, or browsing our website, you allow Andrea Rudićová, located in Nupaky, Za Hotelem 225, ID No: 06256074 (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator or Data Controller) to use your personal data. This page aims to inform you in accordance with the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR) about the kind of information we collect from you, why and how we use your information, your rights regarding the personal data we use, and how you can exercise them in accordance with the GDPR regulation.

What information about you do we collect?

We process your personal data to the extent of email, full name, phone, address, and price information in the record of orders and contracts. Initially, we need this data to process the order, hence, for contract fulfillment. After fulfilling the contract, we use the personal data from the order and contract records for other purposes. It is in our legitimate interest to maintain a complete record of orders and contracts for legal protection against future disputes. Given the limitation period and the functioning of the judicial system, we need to process your data from the order and contract records for 4 years from the date of the contract. We also use the data from the order and contract records to fulfill our legal obligation to archive documentation for possible financial control, for a period of 10 years.

In the user record, we process your personal data to the extent that you provide them to us when registering for business messages, when creating an order, concluding a contract, or sending an inquiry through the website. It is in our legitimate interest to maintain a user database. Besides, we use this database for identifying individuals during mutual dealings, processing orders, concluding contracts and their amendments, or for marketing purposes (more on that below).

We also use your personal data to ensure transportation if transportation is part of the contract concluded between the Administrator and the user (fulfilling our part of the contract). We pass on these data to transport companies and create a log of the handover, which serves as a backup in case of handover error through the information system. For the possibility of complaints from both the customer and the carrier, we process these data for the purpose of ensuring transportation for 4 years from the creation of the order.

Storing personal data from your order enables us to facilitate the provision of our services by pre-filling the previously used data into the electronic form. We process personal data to facilitate shopping based on the legal title of legitimate interest and keep them in databases along with other data, for 4 years from the execution of your last order.

To provide you with proper technical support with the use of our website, we also store technical data about the device you use to access our website (the browser you use, the device from which you access our website, and the operating system you use). Providing technical support is in our and your legitimate interest. This information is part of our internal logs and is not used for any other purpose than providing technical support, but for technical reasons, we must keep them for the entire lifetime of the personal data we process. We will delete this data about you at the latest 4 years after your last order.

How do we use data for marketing purposes?

For marketing purposes, we process your contact details that you fill in when ordering, into the contract when it is concluded, when sending an inquiry through our website, or when subscribing to business messages. We use this data to send business messages and to increase the relevance of the messages we send. We strive to make the information from us enjoyable and inspiring to you, so it is important for us to know your reaction to these messages, and therefore we keep feedback about them. You can unsubscribe from our business messages at any time or change the frequency of their sending, for example, in the customer profile. After a complete unsubscribe (from all information channels), we will no longer use your contact personal data to send business messages.

We do not want to offer you a service that does not interest you and is not your style. On the contrary, we want to draw your attention to news from your favorite brand. Therefore, we need to know, among other things, what you most often look at on our website, what you request, what service we provide to you, or how you prefer to adjust or change our services.

Based on the information about what interests you most on our website and within our services, we include you in different groups (for example, by favorite service, interest category, etc.), to which we are then able to send precise information about our special offers. We do not want our business messages to bother you, so we try to make them as precise as possible and tailor them to you. This would not be possible without processing data about your visits to the website, orders, services, and reactions to our marketing campaigns.

Your opinion is important to us and we like to know your preferences. Therefore, we use your data to analyze our services, which allows us to improve and develop them. This also includes market research and customer satisfaction surveys.